Sunday, August 8, 2010

Update for August 2010

Dear friends and family:

As stated in the previous post, Kerry had her echo cardiogram on July 29th. The results are that Kerry's heart has reduced slightly in size and the ejection factor is now 20 - 25 percent capacity (it was 20-percent capacity soon after being diagnosed with cardiomyopathy). The doctor was somewhat disappointed that her heart had not improved more than it did. Doctor Levy is recommending that Kerry go to the cardiomyopathy clinic at Cedar Sinai Medical Center to have additional evaluation on her condition and to determine whether or not to have a defibrillator implanted. An appointment has been made for 10:00am on August 13th.

Prayer requests:

1) Please pray that God will be glorified in this difficult situation.

2) Please pray that Kerry's heart will continue to improve.

3) Please pray for wisdom on the part of the doctors and for Kerry and Dennis as they consider the various options before them in the coming days.

4) Even though Kerry has to a certain degree adjusted to the numerous medications she takes, she has exhibited a number of negative side effects, including ones that involve her emotional state. Please pray that she can overcome these side effects as they arise.

5) Please pray for Kerry's upcoming laser procedure on September 2nd (this was mentioned in the July blog).

Thank you for praying and for reading Kerry's blog!

May God richly bless you.

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